We Have The Potential To Create Whatever Kind Of World We Want

The Ka Ta See Weaving Ceremony Gathering 2023

This is a short video from our Weaving Webinars. To learn more about the Ka Ta See Weaving Ceremony Gathering, “The Weavings,” visit https://www.katasee.world/weavings.

“We have the potential to create whatever kind of world that we want. And if you can let your imagination stretch out into places, you didn't allow yourself to go to before, and imagine what kind of humans we could be, what kind of people we can be, what kind of a culture we could make, what kind of society that would be, how creative we could be.

What would that look like? What would it feel like? What would it be like to live like that?

 We can be making that, and that's what the Weavings are all about, to change the web of life. 

We've broken our web of life, we've just crapped all over it, left it broken, and we can change that, each one of us individually, cleaning it up, healing the threads, making room for new threads, for new possibilities. Taking out the threads that lead to nothing but pain and anger and fear and war and violence and inequality and all those things, take them out of our web, clean up the mess left behind from engaging those webs, those fibers in the web. We can do that, it's our responsibility as humans because this is our web, the web of life, of planet earth, and of humanity, that's our web. 

We've done nasty things to it, and it's our responsibility to change it. And each person has to take those responsibilities on themselves individually, each person. 

We all have to learn how to change those webs within ourselves and learn how to change it throughout the rest of the whole web of this planet and our species.

So that's, that's what real potential is.”

To learn more, go to https://www.katasee.world/weavings.

The Weaving Teachings and Ceremonies were given to Kay by the Spirits to help us weave a new world, so she is the elder and guide for the Weaving Ceremonies. Kay is the author of The Reluctant Shaman and Sacred Link.

You can learn more about how the Weavings came about by watching the video called “How The Weavings Came About” at https://www.katasee.world/weavings.

Song to Song,


Ka Ta See
Ka Ta See
Ka Ta See