Doorway To Heaven - The World We Can Make

Ka Ta See Song Ceremony With Intro Recorded Live.

We are music, we are dance, we are art, we are beauty, we are antiquity, we are a unique and individual piece of creator. We are very vast, we are very ancient, we have been around for so very long, and we have done so many things.”

This is the introduction to a recording of a Song Ceremony guided live by Kay Cordell Whitaker. Kay is the author of The Reluctant Shaman and Sacred Link.

The Reluctant Shaman -

Sacred Link -

The Ceremony Of Finding Your Song is the Hetakas’, Kay’s adopted Peruvian Shamanic Elders, people’s way to learn and remind themselves who they are throughout their entire life, starting from when they are very tiny. This is the foundation of their tribe’s way of life.

I am sharing the introduction with everyone, and after you’ve listened to or read the introduction and feel inspired, you can get the recording of the actual Ceremony Of Finding Your Song so that you can experience it for yourself. (The recording of the actual ceremony starts with this introduction, and then Kay continues with guiding people through the ceremony.)

Click this button to get the recording:

The Ceremony Of Finding Your Song

(The recording of the actual ceremony starts with this introduction, and then Kay continues with guiding people through the ceremony.)

We ask for people to request to receive the recordings of the actual ceremony because this is a very powerful and sacred ceremony of this tradition, and we feel it important for people to take conscious steps to receive the ceremony along with important instructions and not just click a button to download.   

Go ahead and read or listen to Kay’s instructions and then, if you are inspired, get the recording of the actual ceremony.

Song Ceremony Instructions by Kay Cordell Whitaker!

Hello. Hello Everybody. 

It is really good to be here. I wish I could see you all, but I can feel you all. So let's get started with our Song Ceremony. 

The Song Ceremony is all about finding yourself, your true self. Experiencing your true self.

That's how we find ourselves, learn who we are, learn what we are. Those are two very important questions, very important aspects that our culture just turns away from and blocks out and pretends don’t exist. And then we end up learning to identify with things that don't have anything to do with who we actually are, what we actually are, our true identity. We learn to identify with all of our labels, things like I am a mother, I am a teacher, I am an older person now. I am a wife, a daughter, a sister, a citizen, an American. 

We learn to identify and really think that that's who and what we are. And when you let yourself think about that, feel that for a minute that's kind of small and shallow and empty. Those are all only things that we actually do. They're things we take part in and maybe our job or circumstances of birth or who we happen to have fallen in love with. They're not who we are. They're not what we are. 

In order to find that out, we have to turn our attention away from the labels. And turn our attention away from all of the usual modern culture things that occupy our mind, fill our days, fill our thoughts.

All those things, they're just thoughts. They're just words. It's not who we are. It's not who we are. 

My adopted grandparents, the Hetakas from Peru, they said that the who and what we are is quite extraordinary, utterly magnificent. They said that we are our spirit, our soul, the entity that is us, the energy we are, our consciousness, our awareness, and that to put all these things together, all these energetic things, these spiritual aspects, even our physical body altogether in one totality, they called that our Song. A truly exquisite, beautiful, poetic reference to who and what we actually are. 

We are music, we are dance, we are art, we are beauty, we are antiquity, we are a unique and individual piece of creator. We are very vast, we are very ancient, we have been around for so very long, and we have done so many things. 

This is the part of you that reincarnates. Most people have heard that concept. Many of you believe that concept. This is the who and what we are. 

We create this physical body for our convenience to have a physical lifetime here in three-dimensional time space on Earth. And it is a part of our totality while we're here. 

The Hetakas and other indigenous people considered the body very important and very sacred. And, of course, our Song, the beingness, our consciousness is very sacred. A peace, an actual peace of creator and all creation. That's who we are. That's our identity.

We have so much aliveness and consciousness, and awareness. It is extraordinarily magnificently beautiful, full of beauty, full of creativity, full of aliveness, life itself, and with all of your unique qualities that stretch through the millennia, through the eons.

So let's explore our Song.

Click this button to request the full recording of the introduction and the actual ceremony together to experience it for yourself:

The Ceremony Of Finding Your Song

Both Kay and I hope that the experience of this ceremony will bring many gifts of healing and beauty to your life, as it has and continues to bring to ours.


Love and Song,


Ka Ta See
Ka Ta See
Ka Ta See