Building A New Foundation Of The Web Of Life For Humanity

How to build ourselves a brand new world.

“How to build ourselves a brand new world based on unconditional love, unconditional acceptance, equality, peace, love, creativity, the honoring of diversity?

A world where people want to work together, want to really learn to know themselves and each other and live from their own Song, from their own heart. To learn how to perceive the Song and the heart of others and interact heart to heart, Song to Song, really seeing, acknowledging, accepting, loving each other. Starts with loving self, accepting self, and loving others. 

And we want a world based on those kinds of thoughts and principles, that has to be built into the foundation. That has to be the threads of the web, the continuance, the drops of the rain that brings sustenance to everything. That's where it has to come from.”

  • Kay Cordell Whitaker- from "How did the Weavings come about, and what do they offer?"

To learn more about the Ka Ta See Weavings, go to

If you want to talk with us about joining this year’s Weaving Ceremonies, contact Lora @ or me @

Song to Song,


Ka Ta See
Ka Ta See
Ka Ta See